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Code Generator based on Model Template binding Transformations



Transactions can be used for the following scenarios, mainly to deal with sparse changes to object models.

  1. Object Model listeners
  2. Generate Events / Send RPC messages with delta changes to Object models
  3. Optimized Record and Replay Object model changes with sparse delta
  4. Logging Object model changes
  5. Suppress / Avoid non-change edits

In general the use-cases involve the following steps

  1. Start Transaction
  2. Make changes to objects and sub-objects
    • Change values
    • Add remove list values
    • Edit sub-structs
  3. End Transaction
  4. Notify listeners with transaction data

with the following characteristics



struct SubStruct
    int     val1;
    string  val2;

struct ListObject
    int val

struct Foo
    SubStruct        child1;
    list<ListObject> list1;
    int              val3;

Generating a transaction

Foo foo;
    auto txn = Transaction<Foo>(foo);
    txn.add_list1({val = 1});
    txn.add_list1({val = 2});

Dev Notes

Multiple levels of recordings


  1. Recursive (Nesting). For codegen support (structs)
  2. Primitives need to be empty. Struct members tagged via bitmask ( Parent support required )
  3. Editing objects via visitors (serialization/deserialization) support
  4. Detect no-changes for primitive values. (Recursively)
    • Testcase : deserializing twice into same obj should produce empty txn on the second attempt.
    • What to do for lists
  5. Serializing /deserializing into patches via protocol ( json, string, binary)

Proposals: Containers and State

Primitives dont have state for perf reasons Primitives rely on owner to maintain state - This is useful because the bool changed can not be a bitfield in parent. However if we have no state in transaction then the owner needs to provide some context so it understands which child transaction is requesting the callback

[APPROVED] Container: Transaction<T, TContainer>

[Approved] ElementState: Transaction<...>::ElementState

[Testing] ContainerState: Transaction<T, TContainer>::TContainer::ContainerState

[REJECTED] AccessorFn

How to access object from the Transaction

A Transaction doesnt directly have access to the object. Reason: The object could be a managed object and so parents could move pointer around for no apparent reason (containers, vector, unordered_map) So Access to the object is granted by an accessorfn provided by the parent Within a Transaction AccessorFn can be called by providing an Owner object and will provide access to the object Vector/List: AccessorFn is uniform so some obj-state must be provided The AccessorFn will need some identifier to identify the exact object


Proposals: Visitors for Transactions

Mutator support
